Is there a statute of limitations in product liability cases?

Product Liability FAQ 54

The time limit for product liability claims varies from state to state. However, no state’s statute of limitations for defective product claims is less than a year. Many states have a two-year time limit, and some have a three-year time limit. A few states have time limits of four or more years. Make sure to […]

How much is a product liability case worth?

Product Liability FAQ 50

A product liability case can be worth a lot of money. It’s not just about the cost of the product that was sold, but also about the cost of any injury or illness that the product may have caused. The injured party can seek compensation for everything from their medical expenses to lost wages to […]

What does “strict liability” mean?

Product Liability FAQ 56

Strict liability is the responsibility that a person has for damage caused by their product or service. Strict liability means that the person who caused the damage is responsible for the damages. The injured party does not need to prove that the person who caused the damage was negligent or careless to recover damages. This […]

Can a product be too old to bring file a product liability case?

Product Liability FAQ 60

Product liability is a type of lawsuit that can be filed against a manufacturer, retailer, or another party in the supply chain of a product. The age of the product does not necessarily impact whether a person can file a product liability case, but it can be helpful for the defendant. If a company has […]

What is product liability insurance?

Product Liability FAQ 51

Product liability insurance is typically required for businesses that produce or sell products. If you are selling products, product liability insurance can help cover legal costs and damages that may result from a faulty product. If you are producing products, product liability insurance can help cover the cost of recalls and lawsuits. Product liability insurance […]

How do expert witnesses help prove product liability claims?

Product Liability FAQ 57

In a product liability claim, expert witnesses may be helpful in proving that a product is defective or that the product caused injuries. For example, a company may claim that the plaintiff’s injuries were caused by the plaintiff’s own misuse of the product, rather than any defect. An expert witness could testify as to why […]

If a recalled product injures me, can I still sue?

Product Liability FAQ 57

Once a manufacturer realizes they need to recall a product, they will send out notices by mail/email, TV commercials, news outlets, and via social media. However, just because a manufacturer sent out a recall notice, this doesn’t absolve them of the responsilbity for injuries that occur afterward. Although consumers have a duty to discard of […]

If I didn’t read the instructions for a product, can I still sue?

Product Liability FAQ 60

Product liability laws can vary from one state to the next, but typically, the manufacturer of the product is responsible for injuries caused by the product. A person who has been injured by a defective product may be able to sue the manufacturer or distributor of the product for damages. However, in order to do […]

Should I hire an attorney for my product liability case?

Product Liability FAQ 54

If you were injured by a product that was defective, you should hire an attorney to represent you. Product liability cases can be exceedingly complicated and can require an extensive amount of research and evidence. The attorney will investigate the product and the company and will help you get the compensation you deserve. Without an […]