Determining Causation in Personal Injury Cases

Slip and fall accident report

Who Caused The Personal Injury? Personal injuries affect a person’s body or emotions due to negligence from another party. These injuries can arise in various ways or situations, ranging from a slip and fall to product liability and chemical exposure, which makes this area of law very complicated. Personal injuries can arise in various ways […]

How To Sue Someone

Personal injury lawyer signing contracts

Is It Time To Engage In a Lawsuit? Before we delve into the hows and the whys of suing someone, let us first understand what it means to sue someone for personal injuries. To sue someone means approaching a court of law seeking monetary damages from someone because he/she may have caused you harm or […]

How Much Is The Average Slip and Fall Settlement

Slip and fall injured cyclist

Evaluating A Slip And Fall Case Slips and falls can seem common enough not to warrant much attention. However, at times a slip or a fall can be severely debilitating and also have serious repercussions which can be fatal as well. If you’ve injured yourself by a slip or a fall on public or private […]

How To Evaluate A Personal Injury Lawsuit

Personal injury car accident scene with hazard sign nearby

Personal Injury Lawsuits If you’ve recently been in a car accident or a fall on someone else’s property and are thinking about filing a personal injury lawsuit, you must be wondering whether or not it’s worth it to sue someone for damages. The worth of what in legal terms is referred to as “damages” comes […]

10 Things To Do After a Car Accident

Personal injury car accident scene with hazard sign nearby

What To Do After a Car Accident Car accidents are traumatizing, and in many cases, someone ends up getting injured. Sometimes, these types of vehicular accidents lead to massive car damage, severe injuries, and even fatalities.  Car accidents are traumatizing, and in many cases, someone ends up getting injured. Be Prepared It pays to be […]

Complete Defamation Lawsuit Guide

Defamation blocks

Defamation: Fighting for Your Reputation Creating and upholding a good reputation is not easy. Sometimes, a person will publicly write or speak a lie about you that causes harm to your reputation. Did you know that you can actually sue the person who said or wrote the defamatory statements? In this article, we have laid […]